Том Хидлстон, Бен Кингсли и Марк Стронг снялись в серии злодейских роликов Jaguar для СуперКубка 02.02.2014. Превью Краткое содержание первой части "So they're coming. All the usual suspects. Oh, and one new one," he says, as we see the full-throated F-Type roaring across the tarmac at high speed. Kingsley adds, "You'll be hearing from us," as the ending directs viewers to a Jaguar microsite: BritishVillains.com.
The three stylish rogues and F-Type finally will be brought together on Jan. 28 when Jaguar and agency Spark44 unveil a new 30-second spot at the microsite showing Mr. Hiddleston and Mr. Strong arriving in London for their rendezvous with Mr. Kingsley.
The spot opens with Mr. Kingley asking why Hollywood movies loves casting British bad guys. "Maybe we just sound right," says a suave-looking Mr. Strong as he accepts the keys to his F-Type from his blond assistant and goes roaring off into the night.
Mr. Hiddleston makes the biggest entrance as his helicopter races an F-Type through the streets. "We're obsessed by power," he says with villainous glee. "And we all drive Jaguars," notes Mr. Strong as they arrive at Mr Kingsley's estate. Their host nods in satisfaction. "Oh yes, it's good to be bad," he says. Фото, большой размер полный размер очень большой размер
Чиби-Пакость, Вот ты зачем это сказала? Теперь мне не отделаться от грязных фантазий. Очень грязных фантазий с совращением. Или это месть за вчерашнюю фотку Алекс, чтоб сегодня я не спала?
*убежала в ванну*
*довольная тем, что навела шороху*
Месть*_*, это месть ^^
Йож во фраке, ей богу, мы не будем подсматривать^^
Я ведь не люблю Хиддлса.